Friday, November 29, 2019

Sixties Counterculture 10 Pg Proposal Essays -

Sixties Counterculture: 10 Pg Proposal The sixties were turbulent times for America, both domestically and abroad. During the sixties America witnessed the assassination of a president, the assassination of a civil rights leader, a ?conflict? in Vietnam, and a counterculture revolution among the youth. The counterculture would peacefully protest and rally against the government early on, but as the decade progressed, the counterculture would split into various factions. Some of these splinter groups would carry out violent measures to make themselves, and there opinions, known. While the violent actions were carried out by a strict minority, they attracted much attention from the press. The purpose of this paper is to establish a connection between the peace movement and the violence perpetrated by the counterculture. I feel that it is important that we find out how a movement that was peaceful in the beginning could end up being so violent. The fact that Americas youth could get caught up in such a frightening and violent situation should be of concern to all of us. The music, and music festivals, of the era are also worthy of consideration. Did the music contribute to the violence, or was it a just reflection of the turmoil felt during the sixties? In order to understand the violent groups and their connection with the counterculture, we first need to understand what the counterculture was. The sixties were full of groups which lived outside of the norm, one of the earlier and most famous groups to form were the hippies. ?In 1965, Herb Caen of the San Francisco Chronicle labeled these people ?hippies,' as if they were apprentice hipsters. The young insurgents called themselves ?freaks' or ?heads,' and they called their ?here and now revolution' a counterculture.? The hippies were into living a communal life, a life of peace and tranquility and they were blowing the world's mind. According to Stern, ?The dazzling thing about them was that they were so happy. They did not reject the perkiness that suffused the early sixties. They smiled and danced and got high and loved everybody. They wore flowers in their hair and painted their bodies like freaky Easter eggs. Their program for a better world was one where everyone was mellow.? The hippies embraced music and drug, especially marijuana and LSD. The hippies felt that LSD would help free their mind, and they embraced the effects of the drug. Burton Wolf, a contemporary of the hippie scene, wrote, ?Several times, I saw barefoot hippie girls in a big pile of dog excrement, calmly walk to the curb, and scrape it off like you would from your shoe, ?I used to worry about things like that before I took LSD,' one of them told me. ?Now my mind has opened, and I see that it's all part of life: dirt, feces everything. Feces are groovy.'? The hippies were peaceful people who were trying to make the world better, this, however, would change. A large portion of the hippies would be brought into radical groups and unknowingly be turned towards violence. 1967 marked a change in the way of protesting. ?After 1967, countercultural activists followed two major paths: the revolutionary ?magic politics' of the Yippies, and the ?here and now' revolution of rural communes.? The break from the hippies way of thinking is in part due to the ineffectiveness of their ?here and now? revolution. They were tired of peaceful protests as the means to their end and they were sick of the interminable theorizing of the New Left. They wanted results. The Yippies (an acronym for the Youth International Party),?. . .were conceived by Abbie Hoffman, Paul Krassner, Dick Gregory, Jerry Rubin and friends on New Years Eve in 1967 to coax, goose, entice and dazzle thousands of freaks to Chicago for the August Democratic Convention, create there a ?Festival of Life' against the ?Convention of Death,' a ?blending of pot and politics. . . a cross-fertilization of hippie and New Left philosophies.? The Yippies were a radical group, a group that wanted to shake up all of the ?straight? people. Be it the way they looked or the way they spoke, they wanted to challenge the establishment. Jerry Rubin describes the prototypical Yippie, ?a street fighting freek, a dropout, who carries a gun at his hip. So ugly that middle class society is frightened by how he looks. A longhaired, bearded, crazy mother*censored*er whose life is theater, every moment creating a new society as he

Monday, November 25, 2019

Importance of value creation to health care organisations Essays

Importance of value creation to health care organisations Essays Importance of value creation to health care organisations Paper Importance of value creation to health care organisations Paper Value creation is a corporate mantra, which was come into existence by creating reengineering and restructuring of thoughts during nineties. It is better to know the value creation, which is the first step to have growth of the organization. Coca-Cola and Lloyds brands recognize the value creation and they have made value creation drive with their growth for over a decade. Value is creation is nothing but it is exposure of the organization in different angles in general, technical with the other advantages.   The growth and size is not important for the organizations, but if the organization create value it dominate the others by means of most profitable and fast growing. The coca-cola and Lloyds are the dominant and most profitable and fastest growing players though they are not big in size and growth for their respective fields. It is one type of strategic planning to optimize the profits in a business operation. IMPORTANCE The basic steps for value creation are where you are and how to grow.   It is nothing an analysis of the organization and identifying the current position and making the steps to grow by comparing with the competitive organizations. It is enough time to observe such things and results to a make towards by all other companies whether they are general, technical or Health Care organizations. It is not specific that this strategy is applicable to only specific categories. But it is applicable to all types of categories, because the public is slowly accustoming with the importance of value creation concept and they are looking with the value of company, which was exposed by the company. If some type of companies creating value and they will be very much aware by the public, whereas other companies which are not created their value definitely be backed by the other companies. Hence the value creation is important to the Health Care organizations also. The value creation of the organization is not so easy. The organization should take the help the consultancy services that provide value creation and brand image. The health organizations should establish corporate value creation, which are linked with intangible performance such as innovation, customer relations, management capabilities, alliances, technology, brand value, employee relations and Environmental and community issues. ESSENTIAL Creation of value means innovation, production and delivery of products to the markets. Value creation is important because it relates to the achievement of business objectives and subsequent promotion of economic growth. The world is changing day-by-day and mere having the physical assets to the organization is not enough. Since the world is noticed with intellectual property rights, it is being linked with the intellectual assets and it can be called as intellectual capital. The health care organization does not produce any articles and they do not base on manufacturing and processing of articles. Hence the physical assets are invisible to the Health care organizations. The health care organizations should depend upon intellectual assets such as innovation, quality management, employee relation and quality of products and services. Effective elevation of human resources leads to intellectual capital or Human Capital. The human capital is combination knowledge and skills of individual employees as well as company values and culture. It provides the following The importance of the value creation indicates the following Value creation is a positive function of intellectual capital. It is a positive function of team productivity. It is positive function of collaboration. It is positive function of task. Increased social intellectual infrastructure will increase the level of value created. CONCLUSION When you take the example of coca cola company. If it is analyzed, the origination has only one product and wider value creation is provided. But in the case of the Health care organizations, the organizations will have so many service products i.e. so many plans such as individual packages, group packages, one year packages, five year packages, discounts, facilities providers, HMO plans, PPO plans etc. Even the organization employee will not be able to give full details of schemes offered by the organization. How the public will know the details. For only one product, the coca-cola makes such value creation, how much health care organization should provide the value creation.   Even the other business holders who are in life insurance business are also making the value creation. Hence it is essential to the Health Care organizations to provide value creation effectively in order to increase the brand image, growth of the organization and profits too. Besides, the Health care organization can use, the Value Creation Index to know the difference between the non-financial performance and Firm’s valuation. The Value Creation Index most suits to the organizations such financial services, airlines, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and products and service sectors. It is a link between an organization’s non-financial performance and Firm’s valuation in the markets.    It is more important the creation of value in Health care organization rather than other industries, because, the services offered by Health Care Organization requires more attention and requires   more exposure

Friday, November 22, 2019

Breaking Down The Metamorphosis

Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Essay Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Franz Kafkas beginning of his novel, The Metamorphosis, begins with what would seem a climactic moment: As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. From this point on, the reader is determined to make sense of this transformation. However, the reader later comes to realize that Gregor is actually not an insect, but this metamorphosis into a vermin was purely symbolic. It symbolizes the degrading lifestyle that Gregor leads to support his family. This leads the reader to understand Gregors absurd dilemma. Gregors insignificant and outcast lifestyle of supporting his family proves that the universe is irrational, and mans place in it is absurd. This is proven by the fact that Gregor is working to pay off his fathers debts and provide for his family. His work is mundane, and strictly business. Yet, when the metamorphosis of Gregor takes place, his family practically shuns him from their contact. Still however, Gregors first thoughts after believing that he is an insect, are to get dressed and go to work. This attitude is seemingly absurd, however Gregor is so deep into trying to help his family, that he makes an attempt at ignoring the impossibility of working. The idea that Humankind is disconnected from reality, is set in stone by Kafka when he writes about the transformation of Gregors families lives, and his own. The Samsas treated Gregor simply as a means to get out of debt, although the reader comes to realize later that the family was not as bad off as Gregor had believed. Also, the father returns back to work after Gregor cannot, which proves that his disability not nearly as severe as he had Gregor believed. Although Gregor is the family member that turns into a bug, he remains the only one of them to retain humanity. The family cannot grasp that the bug in the bedroom is Gregor, their son and brother. They disconnect themselves from him, forgetting that they have known him his entire life, and once perhaps loved him. After his metamorphosis, Gregor became the member of the family in need, yet instead of helping him, as he helped them, Gregor became a burden to the family. The family, especially the father and mother do not make an attempt to understand Gregors situation, but instead make it worse and harder for Gregor. The familys reality is tainted by the fact that Gregor was always a tool of income and stability, and now is of no help whatsoever. Many ideas and thoughts are proven in The Metamorphosis, but perhaps none so boldly as the idea that Intimacy is impossible. Kafka writes of Gregor, often haunted by the idea that the next time the door opened he would take the families affairs in hand again just as he used to do. Gregor, after transforming had to come to terms with the fact that his familys love was a love based on a responsibility to the family, instead of an unconditional love. Kafka is saying that unconditional does not exist. He is also saying that we all feed off of each other, and our love is an extension of this. When the ability to function as we always had is gone, so is the love we once thought we would have forever. Gregors father exhibited a mulishness that had obsessed his since he became a bank manager. Gregors father not only neglected his son, the son who attempted to provide and take his fathers place as the breadwinner for the family, but also developed a hatred for Gregor. Gregor presented a profound love for his family, which was not reciprocated after Gregor could no longer be of service to them. READ: Japanese recession Essay Another firm idea that Kafka presents to the reader is that People live unremembered lives. This is shown with Kafkas creation of the fathers disgust for his son, Gregor. The father, forgetting that Gregor was once the son he had acted as if he loved, threw an apple into Gregors back which became embedded. The apple eventually became infected and was the death of Gregor. The apple is a symbol for Gregors .

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Features of educational websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Features of educational websites - Essay Example Moodle has a sister website called which is mostly used for commercial purposes and to provide other services that are necessary for the development of the organization. Moodle provides a software package that helps the teachers or educators to make learning look easy. The emphasis is more on creating right environment for the educators to understand the nuances of teaching. Moodle claims the software package helps the educators to master in creative teaching and create effective online learning communities. The home page of Moodle is user friendly. The layout structure is not bad and browsing the website is not that difficult. On the left pane of the website all the services provided by the organization can be seen and can be navigated easily. The Moodle's publish yearly newsletter that helps users who are new to the website and provides much needed information about the activities and achievements of the website. The middle pane presents briefly what the website is providing to the users. Some of the information is highlighted and when anyone clicks on the highlighted image the user will be taken to the next page related to the topic he/she clicked. One of the important features of the website is users can navigate by selecting the preferred language. The website provides community discussions in English and several other languages such as Spanish, French, German, etc. From the standpoint, overall the site gives an average look. It's not attractive and does not have any special features to pull the traffic. Though it claims to be OSI certified, who knows OSI is. Nowadays websites are certified by some organizations that no one knows. Other important aspect is the information is not well organized. It looks as if all the stuff has been put together. They should have given space to put the information at right places. ATutor copyrights are reserved by Adaptive Technology Resource Center or in short ATRC. It is an open source web based Learning Content Management System or in short LCMS. It helps tutors by providing the necessary the tools to develop the presentation style. Installing the software package can be done in minutes and the LCMS has been designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind so that when students navigate through the module can understand the topic easily. One of the important features of this software package provided by ATutor is it can be updated easily. To give Atutor a new look custom templates can be developed with ease. With ATutor quick assembling, packaging, distribution and redistribution of Web-based instructional content, retrieving, importing prepackaged content and conducting online courses is made easy. Since the whole teaching method is based on graphical user interface system and web based applications browsing the website is easier. In general when a student misses a class, he has to get the information by borrowing fellow student's notes. But with ATutor even if the student misses the class he can come to the website at any time and can view information required just like in real time environment. Thus saving the much-needed time. Overall the site is good and provides the required features for the educators and tutors. The homepage layout structure is attractive

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dilemmas of Corporate Power in a Democratic Society Essay

Dilemmas of Corporate Power in a Democratic Society - Essay Example This is because the aspects of the problems of group power within a government have remained hidden behind accidents of legal form. The growth of group power from legal control has progressed due to the following factors. First, the ability and tradition of powerful organizations to remain unincorporated and, therefore, escape many of the liabilities of the corporate person. Second are the restrictions of equitable measures which have prevented the courts from punishing abuse of power by organizations in reference to their members. Thirdly, there has been excess freedom of organizations to disguise themselves as charitable foundations which has made many business activities to be clothed as charitable foundations. Private power has been employed by lawyers and politicians to infringe on the freedoms of individuals and the balance of public decisions which may become susceptible in the face of such power. According to Dabbah, on the basis of liberal democracy, this problem is twofold and constitutes a real dilemma. Citizens have the right to have their freedoms entitled to them which they are free to exercise. Thus, these freedoms should not be forced or imposed on others. Power in liberal democratic societies in the public realm is only recognized by those who hold it legitimately according to the law, while in the private sphere, power does not go beyond the limited prerogatives allotted within the firm to its owner.Beyond these limitations, private power in a liberal democracy is seen to be abusive.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The hunting trip Essay Example for Free

The hunting trip Essay Finally, the time was here. It was fall break, and I had nothing to do but sit around and enjoy life. This area was covered with dirt, and no matter how hard I tried, I would get filthy. I couldnt wait to get home to take a nice shower. It was a nice place to sit around and clear my mind. In the middle of September, my mother and I would go to the store to buy tons of food for hunting trip. At last, after being at the store for hours, we would be on our way to meet my dad and my brothers. Hunting trip was the highlight of my year. For five years, we would go to the exact same campsite. At this campsite, the air was fresh, the sun was out, and all I could hear was the beautiful sound of the calm river flowing downstream. Our campsite was setup right next to the clear stream. My brothers and I would always throw rocks and sticks into the river. We loved to watch the huge fish jump far above the water, and dive back in head first. We never stayed in a tent because of all the moisture that the river would give off. In the mornings, when we did stay in the tent, my family and I would wake up feeling drenched with water. We had a new camper that was big enough to fit five people. The trailer was white with a stripe going down the side. It had a huge dining table that turned into a double bed. There was a bunk bed, which also has departments in for different storage. There was a hallway that leads to a king size bed where my parents slept. All of the sheets are dirty from all the dirt that was brought into the trailer. In the mornings, I could feel the moisture of the cold air from the inside of the camper. Every morning, my dad would wake up to go hunting. My nostrils would fill from the luscious smell of the brew from the freshly made coffee that my mom would make for my dad. He would always take my brothers hunting with him. Mom and I called them the three mighty hunters. At about 9:00 every morning, my mom and I would start to cook breakfast for the boys. My favorite breakfast to cook was egg casserole. We would get all of the ingredients together to start off our creation. We never knew what we would put in the dish; we would just start throwing different things in there. The smell of bacon sizzling on the frying pan would make my mouth water. Finally, after finishing the creation of food, we would put it into the oven to cook. While waiting for the boys to get back, I would get a horrifying feeling in my stomach. Did they get something? Did a bear find them? I was always so nervous. I would just sit in front of the campfire waiting impatiently for their return. The sun would gleam on my rosy cheeks as I sat there. Looking at all of the green around me would always bring a smile to my face. There were so many different types, I never had a favorite. I could hear the blissful birds chirping in the blue, clear sky. If I was lucky, the birds would be interrupted by the call of an elk shouting out to the cows. I loved that noise! Every time I heard it, I would go get my mom in the camper so she could hear the large animals call from nature. After hours of waiting for my brothers and my dad, they finally returned to camp. They were filthy with mud from the four-wheeler flicking it up onto their faces. They were usually wet from the moisture of the entire plantation that they would walk into. I could tell that they were tired because they were always out of breath. We would take our breakfast outside, and, as a family, we would sit around the campfire. The lawn chairs that we would sit on were so uncomfortable. They were starting to rip on the bottom. Every time that my dad would get back from a hunt, he would tell the whole hunt from start to finish. Every hunt consisted of, Jonathan needs to learn how to walk quietly. Learn to pick up your feet son. All those two would do was complain. Jonathan would reply, That was Jesse, not me. In the early afternoon, my dad would let me take the four-wheeler out for a spin. I would start up the engine, and hear the loud roar that the machine made. I shifted in high gear, and was on my way for an adventure. I would drive about 33 mph, just enough for the chilly wind to blow through my hair. Every so often, a bug would hit my face; I hated that feeling. It felt as if a tiny pebble whacked me on my cheek. As I drove, I couldnt believe the gorgeous forest scene that laid directly in front of me. As I looked in the trees, I could see horns from a buck, and his doe wondering around him. I knew that I had to get back because my dad needed to start his afternoon hunt. When I got back, my dad, surprisingly, asked me to come along instead of the boys. I was hesitant at first, but I knew that if I went, I could see a lot of different parts of nature. I put on a camouflage suit, and covered my face with dark paint. My stomach was tangled in knots. I was so excited to be a part of hunting. A lot of girls dont hunt, but I wanted to be one of the few that did. I wanted to learn all of the techniques of hunting from my dad. We started off toward the top of the mountain on the four wheeler. My dad said that there were big elk on the top. After a few miles, we got off the four wheeler, and started walking into the deep, dark forest. The sun was starting to set, and the breeze was getting more frigid. I had two long sleeve shirts on and a huge jacket to keep me warm. Fifteen minutes into the walk, I heard a loud bugle directly in front of us. It sounded as if a monster was growling. By the noise, I knew that this animal had to be huge. My dad called back with his cow call. It was a high pitch grunt. The elk instantly bugled back. My dad and I were both so nervous. As we looked harder and harder into the woods, we could barely see the animal. My dad took his binoculars from his backpack, and gave me them so I could see what he really looked like. His horns were the biggest things I have ever seen. They had a dark brown base, with off-white tips. His body was a tan color with dark brown around his neck. He would stick his horns by a tree, and start scratching at it as if he was trying to sharpen them. His eyes looked so clueless and clear. I think that he was hesitant because he was still thinking about the cow call. A few minutes later, the elk slowly walked back into the forest. My dad said that it was getting too dark to shoot anything, so we had to head back to campsite. When we got back, I couldnt wait to tell my mom what I had seen. I screamed and yelled in excitement. I kept stumbling over my words, trying to tell too many things at once. As soon as I started making more sense, my moms face looked flourished by all of the thrilling news. I still couldnt believe that I actually saw that magnificent animal. As the night went on, that one moment kept racing through my mind. That night, we cooked hotdogs on the end of a stick, and stuck them in the flaming fire. My face was burning from the scalding fire. It was pitch black outside, and I could hear the little crickets start to sing their pleasant tunes. While we were all eating a delicious dinner, my dad tried to scare us by telling a frightening story. It never worked for me! He would go off about big foot and how he was over twelve feet tall. My brothers were still pretty young, so look in their eyes looked like they were both terrified. During his story, I just looked around the campsite. I couldnt see anything but the bright, full moon beaming above us. The stars were cluttered in all different formations. It was exquisite! After spending about five days on a hunting trip, I knew why I loved it so much. Even though I would get filthy from all of the dirt, I still loved it. At this certain place, I could get away from everything that was bad in my life, or even take a break from the pressure of school and sports. Here, I could hang out with my family without thinking about cleaning the house to make my mom happy, or feeding the dogs so my dad didnt have to do it. At this specific location, my family and I forgot about the stress from work or school, and just had the best time of our lives. That is why this place was, and will always be, the most important to me.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

AC Bridge Circuits :: Papers

AC Bridge Circuits As we saw with DC measurement circuits, the circuit configuration known as a bridge can be a very useful way to measure unknown values of resistance. This is true with AC as well, and we can apply the very same principle to the accurate measurement of unknown impedances. To review, the bridge circuit works as a pair of two-component voltage dividers connected across the same source voltage, with a null-detector meter movement connected between them to indicate a condition of "balance" at zero volts: [IMAGE] Any one of the four resistors in the above bridge can be the resistor of unknown value, and its value can be determined by a ratio of the other three, which are "calibrated," or whose resistances are known to a precise degree. When the bridge is in a balanced condition (zero voltage as indicated by the null detector), the ratio works out to be this: [IMAGE] One of the advantages of using a bridge circuit to measure resistance is that the voltage of the power source is irrelevant. Practically speaking, the higher the supply voltage, the easier it is to detect a condition of imbalance between the four resistors with the null detector, and thus the more sensitive it will be. A greater supply voltage leads to the possibility of increased measurement precision. However, there will be no fundamental error introduced as a result of a lesser or greater power supply voltage unlike other types of resistance measurement schemes. Impedance bridges work the same, only the balance equation is with complex quantities, as both magnitude and phase across the components of the two dividers must be equal in order for the null detector to indicate "zero." The null detector, of course, must be a device capable of detecting very small AC voltages. An oscilloscope is often used for this, although very sensitive electromechanical meter movements and even headphones (small speakers) may be used if the source frequency is within audio range. One way to maximize the effectiveness of audio headphones as a null

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analyze Donne’s Duplicity as a Lover in His Poems Essay

John Donne is not only the greatest love poet of his time, but also surpasses the limitation of times. Donne’s greatness as a love-poet arises from the fact that his poetry covers a wider range of emotions. He was the first English poet to challenge and break the supremacy of Petrarchan tradition. Though at times he adopts the Petrarchan devices, yet his imagery and rhythm, texture and color of his love poetry is different. There are three distinct strains of his love poetry – Cynical, Platonic and Conjugal love. The Sun Rising is one of Donne’s popular and widely read love poems. It is love poem of an unusual kind. In this poem the poet lover reprimands the Sun and calls it names for disturbing love making. Here as a lover Donne exaggerates his love and his beloved so much that it overlaps the Petrarchan love poetry also. He addresses the Sun as â€Å"busy old fool†. He calls it unruly because, by peeping in to the bedroom through windows and curtains it disturbs the lovers. The poet-lover tells the Sun that lovers’ seasons do not run to its motions. He advises the Sun to go and do such routine and dull jobs like chiding late-schoolboys and apprentices, waking up court-huntsmen and peasants. Love knows no season, no climates. It is not affected by time. The poet’s wit is so clear when he tells the Sun that he has no reason to think that his beams are â€Å"so reverend and strong†. The poet lover could eclipse and could the beams of the Sun with a wink. He does not do so because he does not wish to â€Å"loose her right so long.† He says Thy beams so reverend and strong Why shouldst thou think? I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink. But that I would not lose her sight so long. The poet-lover knows that the Sun would go to the other half of the world and come to that place at this time tomorrow. The poet-lover asks the Sun to go round the world, see all Kings, come back tomorrow and say if â€Å"both the India’s of spice and mine† . He says to leave them alone and to let them love. Again, he says, his beloved is represents the whole world, East Indies and the West indies because of her sweet fragrance and her glitter. Here Donne uses highly hyperbolical words for her beloved. He says again that his beloved is all the states and he is the prince of this state, nothing else matter to him, and nothing else exist for him, except he and his beloved. She is all the state, and all princes I Nothing else is. Furthermore, compared to their love all â€Å"honour’s mimick†, all wealth alchemy.† In the latter imagery there is an allusion to the medieval belief in the powers of magic etc. In this particular poem Donne’s praise for his beloved reaches at the height that is incomparable to nothing. However, we find the opposite side of the coin in the poem namely ‘Go and Catch a Falling Star’. Here we find Donne’s duplicity as a lover. In ‘The Sun Rising’ we find Donne passionate and sensuous as a lover, but in Go and Catch a Falling Star he is very much cynical as a lover. He does not believe in true love. We find Donne’s misogynistic attitude here. The poem starts by challenging to catch a falling star. The falling star can signify something bright and beautiful that has come to an end and how difficult it is hold on to this goodness for ever. It also suggests trying and making a wish and seeing if it comes true. In fact it is as difficult to catch a falling star as it is to ‘get with child a mandrake root’ which shows the stark contrast of getting a child which is something innocent and joyous to a mandrake root which is used in witchcraft to wish death on someone. Again the contrast of living and the positive is contrasted with death and negativity. Donne here presents many impossible tasks and says to find a true woman is as impossible as the tasks are. He says it is impossible to remember the past years, to listen the mermaid song, and to find the person who clove the Devil’s foot. According to Donne, it is impossible to find; a loyal and chaste woman. The poet, through irony and exaggeration suggests the impossibility of the undertaking to discover a true and fair woman. According to him And swear No where Lives a woman true, and fair. He believes fair women will have lovers and therefore it is not possible for them to be faithful to any of them. If anyone ever found then Though she were true when you met her, And last till you write your letter, Yet she Will be False, ere I come, to two, or three. To him to find a true and fair woman is not a herculean task rather it is impossible. Here we find the duplicity of Donne. He is here misogynist and believes true love cannot be found because of women’s fickleness. Women are inconsistent and for that reason true love cannot be found, as a woman use to love so many suitors. He criticizes the women race and spares no words to ridicule them. Here his misogynistic attitude shows that he has very little respect for love. In ‘The Sun Rising’ we find him as a pure lover, who believes in solely love. He praises his beloved and the placed her with the Olympian goddesses. He same Donne in ‘Go and Catch a Falling Star’ shows abominable attitude towards love and towards women race. He skeptically believes that women are neither deities nor fully honest; they possess all the human shortcomings. Thus Donne’s attitude towards women is materialistic, pessimistic, and occasionally misogynistic. This contradictory attitude as a lover makes him unique. Donne’s love poems are rich with various mood and attitudes. Two opposite sides as a lover is found in this both poems. In one poem he exaggerates his beloved and worshipped her, on the other poem he says women race is perverted race. Two contradictory ideas are given by the same poet. One poem is full of passion and the other is full of abhorrence.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Schools Like Any Other Organizations Education Essay

Schools, like any other organisations, are aggregations of interconnected human and non- human resources working together to accomplish a common end within structured relationships. But they differ from any other industrial, commercial, governmental or military organisation as it require a alone manners of leading, ways of thought and an attack to disposal. This is because the mission of schools is non to increase net incomes but to raising and develop people to go to the full functional persons foster the acquisition, personal growing and development of all participants, the staff and the pupils. Literature reappraisalOrganizational Behaviors and saying the relevancy in today ‘s contextA school is a universe in which people live, grow and work. Like any other societal organisation, the universe of school has power, construction, logic and values. The behaviour of people at work in a school, separately every bit good as group is non simply a contemplation of their single alone personalities but is strongly molded and molded by the societal norms and outlooks of the civilization that prevail in the organisation. Therefore the person and societal influence creates alone organisational behaviour of people in the school organisation. A school is an extraordinary powerful environment which form and mold behaviour of the people through its civilization and clime. This web of interactions between people and the organisation and its deductions for leading is determining the behaviour of people at work in educational organisations. The ends of any educational organisation are academic accomplishment, effectual work wonts, civic values, societal behaviour, self esteem and self trust. In order to accomplish the ends of schooling, the outlooks that instructors have for the accomplishments of pupils, the relationships between pupils and instructors, the motive of pupils, clip spent on instruction and acquisition and the equal relationships affairs. Besides how schools are managed, how pupils are grouped, how parents and the community are involved, how work is assigned and the determinations made in school. The widespread credence as the preferable manner for exerting control and coordination in schools is the bureaucratic mechanism. The present twenty-four hours acceleration in the development of engineering, political relations, economic sciences and society has by and large left stiff bureaucratisms staggering and unresponsive. To boom in today ‘s quickly changing universe, schools must nimble, adaptative to alter and invariably germinating ( Peter Senge – a learning organisation ) . They are non merely adaptable to new challenges emerging in the universe but are besides adaptable to the worldwide rise in outlooks for increased democracy, personal freedom, single regard and self-respect and chances for self- fulfilment. Administrators who tactically or explicitly embrace the non bureaucratism affect a good trade of persuading. The instructors who are underlying behavior form of theory X or Y who are in the non bureaucratic environment Theory Ten Theory Yttrium Needed to be belonged, liked and respected. Want to experience utile to the school and tend to corporate volitionally and to follow with school, section and unit ends if the above demands are fulfilled. In add-on to the demands of theory X, desire to lend efficaciously and creatively to the achievement of worthwhile aims. Majority are capable of exerting far more inaugural, duty and creativeness than their present work fortunes allow. Administrators ‘ basic undertaking is to do each instructor believe that they are utile and of import portion of the squad. They should be willing to explicate determinations and discuss instructors ‘ expostulations. Besides to affect instructors in planning and determination devising. Teachers should be encouraged to exert self way and ego control Administrator works to bring out the originative resources of the instructors. Teachers participate in determination devising and develop. Information is shared and instructors involve in determination devising. This helps to increase the demand of belongingness and single acknowledgment. It will increase the morale and cut down opposition to formal authorization. Administrators and instructors make usage of the full scope of experience, penetration and originative ability to better the public presentation in school. Accomplishment of aims will increase the self-control and self way. Schools in the island were officially introduced during the colonial epoch. Education is largely delivered through a spiritual background, either through temples or the church. The priests followed the regulations defined through the faith to set single behaviour. Many described such schools as oppressive. But traditionally such schools emphasized powerful societal norms and outlooks that support and wages such behaviour. The norms of such schools discourage behaviour that inquiries the established the order and proposes alterations. With the educational reform in 1947, schools in the state were managed under one organic structure known as Education section of Sri Lanka and new theories and constructs of instruction being introduced to the school web. In order to understand the acquisition abilities and features of kids and grownups in the educational environment, behavioural psychological science applied theories of development. B.K Skinners ‘ methodological analysis of behaviourism had hence embraced by instructors and they used the programmed instructions, scripted instruction, diagnostic-prescriptive instruction and behavior alteration in learning. Educationists decide on ends ( marks ) , all right supports to bring forth those responses ( lesson programs ) , a plan that will bring forth the coveted behaviours ( category room activity ) and eventually mensurate the support methods ( tests, all schoolroom, term and public ) and alter them carefully ( twelvemonth terminal reappraisal and preparation Sessi onss ) . These methods are non developed to â€Å" develop the head † but to set up the very behaviours which are to be taken to be grounds of acquisition. The pupils learn in such an environment retained the cognition and accomplishments they learn in school and so applied in state of affairss in existent life. Therefore unlike in the colonial instruction system, there were 1000s of people adding into the work force every twenty-four hours. They retained a ample sum of the cognition for many old ages and mastered that cognition. For the last decennary or so Sri Lankan authorities instruction system, including the universities were based on behaviourism and as a consequence, there are 1000s of unemployed school departers and alumnuss who are unable to suit into the current competitory market. As a consequence Educationists considered the cognitive psychological behaviour ( Chomsky ) had adopted the method of learning which will authorise the critical thought and originative thought ( with 2009 course of study alterations ) . This is besides the construct of left- encephalon and right-brain orientation of thought. Cognitive psychological science has a batch of impact on the pattern of learning and larning in the schoolroom. The results are emphasized and the solutions are being motivated to be reached by the pupils in assortment of ways. The schoolrooms are now larning environments which promote survey accomplishments, societal accomplishments, job resolution and organisational accomplishments along with the capable affair command. The instructors create motivated schoolroom environments harmonizing to Weiner and the expression for self- regard, when pupils show internal/ability property, supplying challenges to larn and developing them to keep self – regard when fa ilures occur. When they show internal/effort property to hold high outlooks for success as they will remain motivated in malice of impermanent reverses. There are assortments of specific actions that the instructors are in the ways and agencies of ways to increase motive in schoolroom undertakings. The intrinsic motive to be practiced through explicating or demoing why larning a peculiar content or accomplishment is of import, create and maintain wonder, supply a assortment of activities and centripetal stimulations, provide games and simulations, set ends for acquisition, associate larning to student demands and assist pupil develop program of action and the extrinsic motive through supplying clear outlooks, giving disciplinary feedback and providing wagess. The outlooks of a instructor in such an environment demands the instructors to alter radically with the technological alterations the passage of inactive acquisition content to electronic integrative tools. The instructor ‘s function remained mostly as a facilitator at the same clip to be a co-learner in technological cognition and accomplishments. The current demand from a instructor is to hold are, hypertext transfer protocol: // # Learning and creativeness – instructors use capable affair expertness to ease and animate creativeness in pupils, including ingeniousness, job resolution and reflecting through the usage of digital tools collaborative tools and co-learning experiences. # Assessment – Use appraisals for ratings so that the pupils set their ain ends for acquisition, engage in individualized acquisition and are evaluated based on multiple, varied formative and summational appraisals aligned with content and engineering criterions. # Digital age skills – instructors exhibit eloquence in digital tools, engage on a regular basis in engineering – based coaction and usage information resources to back up research and acquisition. # Digital citizenship: Teachers promote â€Å" safe, legal, and ethical usage of digital information and engineering, † promote etiquette, and work to further a planetary position in pupils # Professional development: Educators adopt a theoretical account of womb-to-tomb acquisition and exhibit professional leading through engagement in larning communities, rating of research into the latest digital tools for instruction, parts to the â€Å" effectivity, verve, and self-renewal of the instruction profession, † and presentation of leading in instruction engineering. The ministry of Education with NSB and selected providers took enterprises to supply Personal computers for instructors at a sensible monetary value through Teacher PC Drive plan and to supply developing through reputed private institutes such as IDM Computer Studies and Gateway in 2006. The ‘Innovative Teachers National Competition 2008 ‘ conducted by the Ministry of Education ‘s Secondary Education Modernization Project ( SEMP ) II and Microsoft Sri Lanka assessed the advancement of this plan. In â€Å" The Skills for life † launched in 2009, provides specialised plans for instructors in Sri Lankan instruction system plays a critical function in this scenario. Programs such as ICDL, CTP straight on ICT making and LTCC, IPICT as an instruction tool for non ICT instructors. hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; view=article & A ; id=9 & A ; Itemid=16 Photo caption: Kithsiri Abeysinghe – Nikawewa Dewanampiyatissa Central College, Chithrangani Karunasekera – Katuwana National School, Premawathie Henayalage- Project Manager, Department of Education North Central Province, Ranjith Tharukaratne – Sujatha Balika Maha Vidyalaya hypertext transfer protocol: // The instruction leader inevitableness faces a calling in which new resilient responses are invariably required to run into the challenges that will ineluctably and unremittingly originate in the hereafter. These challenges are likely to happen in rhythms as they have for over a century. The jobs that seem overvelming to us now will in clip recede into the background as new an seemingly more demanding challenges emerge in the hereafter. In position of this dogged patterned advance, educational leaders non merely necessitate to develop responses to the urgencies of the minute but besides to develop a set of values, beliefs and principals to steer them in developing effectual schemes and actions in the unsure hereafter. Take together these values, beliefs and principals cast and determine the educational leaders vision of what the school ought to be like the way in which it should be traveling, and the terminal province for which it should be like, the way in which it should be travelin g and the terminal province which it should be endeavoring. A nucleus component in such vision

Thursday, November 7, 2019

buy custom James Joyce’s “Araby” essay

buy custom James Joyce’s â€Å"Araby† essay James Joyces Araby is a short story that makes up Dubliners, James Joyces collection. It is one of the fifteen stories in the collection. The stories were published in 1914, though they were written between 1904 and 1906. The collection portrays life in Dublin, Ireland in the 20th century. Araby is a story about an Irish adolescent experiencing boyhood fantasies (Mandel 1). The story is based on the experiences of James while growing up in Ireland. He lived on North Richmond Street, central part of Dublin city. As in the narrator, James is not an orphan. The characters in Araby include the narrator, narrators aunt and uncle, Mangan, Mangans sister, Mrs. Mercer, stall attendant, porters at train station and school master. The narrator goes on a journey which ends to be fruitless. The themes in the story are the dangers of idealization, coming of age, the life of poverty versus mind, the loss of innocence (Beja 1). This essay will discuss the importance of the setting on its main character in James Joyces Araby. Summary of Araby The story takes place in North Richmond Street, Irelands largest city, located in Dublin. The narrator of the story is a boy who lives near the street with his aunt and uncle. Near the end of the street is an empty two storied house that was once lived by a priest tenant. After the death of the priest, the narrator explored the empty house. In winter, a boy named Mangan, the narrator and their friends would play in the muddy street and lanes behind and along the houses. The children hide when the narrators uncle appears into the streets and keeps in the shadow if Mangans sister comes from the house to call Mangan to tea. The narrtor is strongly attracted to Mangans sister and he constantly thinks of her even though he had never had a conversation with her. Finally, she speaks to him and asks him whether he will be going to the bazaar market. She is to attend a convent therefore will not go to the Araby bazaar. He tells her that he shall bring her something if he goes to the bazaar. He gets permission and goes to the Araby bazaar, he does not accomplish his mission and comes back home. He experiences pain that comes from encountering love in reality and not in its elevated form (Mandel 1). The Importance of the Setting on its Main Character in James Joyce's "Araby" Setting is part of atmosphere which consists of prevailing tone of the story and its result effect or meaning (Beja 1). The surrounding helps in setting the mood of the story. The setting plays a vital role in development of a story. It is so vital that it can influence the opinions and behavior of the characters. In stories with descriptions of animals, sounds, wind, light, shadows and shapes, the author uses them to create a mood or atmosphere for the actions (Mandel 1). The story portrays Dublin and the pain experienced from some encounters of love. The details of Araby set the mood of the story. The story is set in dreary, dark Dublin. North Richmond street is a gloomy atmosphere; blind and quiet street. The explanation of the street sets the scene in the beginning of the story. The description of North Richmond Street as blind portrays a dead end. The gloomy atmosphere is a reflection of what lies ahead in the life of the narrator while in Araby bazaar (Mandel 1). In the Araby story, the adjectives blind, uninhabited, quiet, detached, brown, descent, square, are a presentation of a world that is simple and practical (James 1). The narrator and his friends discover some aspects of beauty in the street surroundings while playing in the neighborhood. The description of Araby bazaar as hushed, dark, mostly empty and more money focused is a reflection of narrators bleak realization that imagination is not reality. James chooses a gloomy setting to well describe the surroundings of a young adolescents boy who is experiencing infatuation. The gloomy surroundings portray the boring and dull life of the nave young boy. James use of darkness makes the lifes boy more vivid and believable (Mandel 1). James presents Dublin as a blind city that is struggling from oppressive forces. The narrators use of obscure and dark references portrays the reality of living in Dublin, a gloomy town. The bright light references that describe Mangans sister is a reflection of the narrators warm and love feelings for her (Beja 1). The light references create a world of fairytale that is full of illusions and dreams. The narrator imagines that he will bring a gift to Mangans sister once he is back from Araby bazaar. The use of light by the author to describe Mangans sister creates a joyful and heavenly atmosphere (Mandel 1). Conclusion The experiences of the narrator in Araby illustrate how we sometimes expect more to happen in reality, more than reality can provide. More expectations than reality can provide leave us feeling disappointed and disillusioned. Although sometimes expectations disappoint people, it is ok to have bright imaginations because it creates emotions that are healthy. Buy custom James Joyce’s â€Å"Araby† essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Analysis for Buzzard Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysis for Buzzard Ltd - Essay Example 1998) Supplier firms play a very important role in the development and performance of automobile industry world over. Analysts observed that there had been drastic shift in the organization of automobile production across firms in the automobile industry. This shift has further increased the role and importance of supplier firms. The importance at lower levels of the supply chain required many firms to meet new standards of product quality. Buzzard Ltd is also a first-tier supplier automobile industry. Keeping in view the demands of market Buzzard made investment in R&D and technology in 1990s. Because of its investment in R&D Buzzard is regarded as one of the World's leaders in design, manufacture and supply of innovative automotive systems. Buzzard is passing through a transition phase. After planning and implementation of new business strategy company needs some time to start functioning at its full capacity. During this transitional phase company needs to be careful as it is facing various internal and external threats or risks. Some of the threats have been discussed above some internal and external risks faced by the company during its transitional phase are given as under: 1. As discussed earlier company is little over burdened because of the loan taken by the company for its needs. It is quite likely that burden of this loan may de-stabilize the company. It is therefore quite necessary that management of company should consider all the aspects related to loan matter. 2.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

I'll attach it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I'll attach it - Essay Example For example, I searched for database administrator jobs in Chicago and I was able to get the necessary information needed. From the websites, I was able to get a few results in various companies. The job descriptions on the two sites appear to bear striking similarities, such as- the breakdown of the duties of the potential data administrator, the amount of experience that he/she is supposed to possess and educational qualifications. Additionally, the sites provided a platform for either saving the job description for future use or reference, and a link for applying for the job in case one wanted to. Most of the job descriptions for the database administrator job, did not quote the salary offered for the jobs. However, is more suited for job seekers who are in the IT industry and offers more information on job opportunities in that sector. On the other hand, offers a wider search network for job vacancies in all sectors. One factor that I found beneficial with, is its relatively easy application procedure when compared to Even though has an easier application process, I found to be the better site because it offers more detailed information and provides crucial career advice. In summary even though both sites offer similar job descriptions, I found to be the better option in terms of the depth of the job listings, user friendly interface and a faster processing